March 2, 2019

A mixed Bag of talking and cooking

This is a mixed media piece I did on board awhile ago.  I have a thing for birds who dont look
like the average bird.

I have been in a art slump the past few months, it seems like I will do anything but do art.  I go down to the studio with intent, but all I do is move stuff around, throw stuff out, and dont make any
great marks on paper.  I think alot of people go through this or I hope a lot of artists have moments like this.  Because it makes me want to just pack it all in and move on.

Today I am prepping for dinner tomorrow, I am having my mother inlaw and my daughter and her husband.  I am making Lasagna in the crock pot, I have made this before and its delicious.  Sure there is some prep work but when you make Lasagna there always is.  I am having Cesar Salad, and for
dessert the most delicious thing ever, Brownie Cheesecake, so easy to make.The base is actually a brownie mix, so easy. Tonight its back ribs and rice pilaf. I saw a online video of them made in a crockpot with a can of root beer, and some bbq sauce.  Now I was going to make these, but there is
so much fat on ribs, that I usually simmer them on top of the stove, to make some of the fat, disappear. and then cook them in the oven.  So i am going with my method.

Also I hope to make it to the art store, for some much needed inspiration.  I go in there and soak in all the art supplies and hopefully I will feel the need to paint, or draw.

I am linking this bird to paint party Friday which I am joining again

Ok enough whining and talking about food, now that I have put you in a coma, dont forget to
come back for more exciting talk from me.



  1. I love your bird! He's gorgeous and and those black and white legs are fab! I have art slumps too, but they always pass. I hope yours does too, soon!

  2. Lovey creation and 'dinner' sounds soooo delish!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Stunning art. Bright colors are beautiful and impressive.
    Happy weekend xx

  4. So interesting! I love the color and style!

  5. Ohhhh I love this bird of yours. Those stockings are perfect. Very nicely done with so much creativity. Can't go wrong with Lasagna.

  6. lovely mixed media, food and art that is me too!

  7. Nice work. I know what you mean about an art slump.

  8. I enjoyed your post! Hope you are out of your art slump soon. I have had that same thing and organizing the art space. Sidetracking myself with other things because I don't know where to start or what project to work on that day. Sometimes I kick start myself out of it by finding a lesson on YouTube to do. It actually helps me get back in the groove.

    I absolutely LOVE your bird. He's quirky and fun!! I also love the color scheme of your page. Creative work. Hope your lasagna turned out well. It sure does sound good!

    Happy PPF!

  9. Your bird is wonderful, and you have me dreaming of lasagna right now! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  10. I love this quirky approach in your art.

  11. A great fun collage and drawing! I can relate-it seems such a long time since feeling really inspired!
