November 7, 2017

making it happen

 The other day while browsing the art on the web, I got that
creeping feeling of not being good enough.  That's what the
web does for you, because of course there are better artists
out there than you.  I am an original, nobody looks like me,
acts like me, or draws like me.  I have my own style, and
most of the day I am happy with me.  Good things come to me,
I quess I am feeling like this because I have been picking out
the art to show the Museum store curator.  Three of my best
pieces .  So of course while looking you see the flaws in your
best pieces.  Now today is the day I phone and set up that appointment I was going to do it yesterday, but will do it today,
see my nerves are getting the best of me, I have never been good
at putting it all out there, promoting my art.  But I need to do more,
because no matter what I will still create.  So if they decide that
it doesn't make the cut, I still made the shortlist of a 1000 people.  That's something. Will keep you posted on the progress.


1 comment :

  1. Wow that is an honor!! They need to see all your art to know you are a one of a kind amazing artist!! I could pick your art out anywhere... Not many people are that unique...that's what is so important...there is no other You!! I happen to be a huge fan and wish there were more artists like you!! I have never gone for the conventional artists... I can take a photo if I want something on my wall to have the same likeness. I need colourful and unique in my life. The mainstream is not me... I hope you value yourself so deserve to make the cut!!

    Peace Giggles
