December 27, 2016

Life as I know it

Well how was your Christmas?
All that work and its over in the blink of a eye.
Now we just wait for new years>
Do you make New Years resolutions?
Do you keep them?
One year I quit smoking best thing I ever did
never went back to it.
But usually I dont make them, because I dont keep them.
This year we are going out for a quiet dinner
on New Years Eve, and then home to watch
a movie, usually we dont even make it up till
New Years.


  1. Really BEAUTIFUL!
    Happy New Year for you Lee!
    oxo Susi

  2. Beautiful!! Love the colors and the white outlines. You're great at that.

    Our Christmas was quiet and now I'm in the midst of de-decorating the house. This is the part I don't like. When all the decorations come down the house looks so plain for a while.

  3. This is a stunning piece, would make gorgeous fabric at Spoonflower! I usually don't make New Years resolutions...I was more one to use Sept as my start of the New year!! Wishing you everything wonderful for 2017~

    Hugs Giggles
