September 29, 2017

Its all about color

 I love this one, and I usually don't say that, but I do, the color
just pops and makes me happy. Today was a great day, lots accomplished, got my hair cut, and cleaned up the studio.  I still am
trying to work thru all the stuff that I have in the studio, and just
chuck out what's needs to be garbage, and give the rest away that
I have not used in eons.  Feeling good about everything so far.

Today I am going to link up to paint party Friday

so I hope you all have a great weekend, and talk to you on Monday.


September 27, 2017

recovery is a bitch

Yes, its true, recovery is a bitch, this type of injury will take awhile to heal the Doctor said, as its
all inside, and swollen.  So I just need to take it easy and not do anything to strenuous.   The hubster is pretty good about everything, so I don't do to much as it is.  Lucky I know.

Have been filling up my shop on esty, and reading up on how to get customers.  Because really
esty is huge and so many artisans how would anyone find your stuff.  Apparently its all about
key words people, words like stylish, original etc.  So I have been trying to think up words
people would use to find my stuff and writing them down.  If you think of any please let me know
the more the merrier.

Well I just got home from lunch with a friend, and now should clean that studio, which I keep
saying I am going to do but never get done, but today is the day.

What are you doing today?

talk to you soon


September 24, 2017

This and that Sunday

Well how is everyone today.  Its Sunday here, its cloudy, and a little bit chilly, but it is suppose to warm up.  I am still in my PJ's and roaming around the house, the hubster is at the YMCA.  I don't know where he gets his energy, but I certainly don't have it.  The other day I stayed in my PJ's all day, and I cooked all day long.  I am off on a girlfriend 10 day holiday in October to the land
of sun and heat, Phoenix, Arizona.  So I am feeling a little guilty (not to much) and made
some meals for the hubster and put them in the freezer.  He is a disaster in the kitchen.

The friends and I have a blast on this annual trip.  We shop, talk, and travel around.  This time
we are going to Palm Springs for 2 days, none of us have been there so are looking forward to going.  Its not to far from Phoenix, which is good. Before you know it the trip is over and your on
the plane back home.

I plan on going down to the studio today, and cleaning up, and working on some stuff.  I cannot
work on anything, if the studio is out of order, weird I know.  But it just makes it easier to
find stuff in the spur of the moment, if its back in the right place

Okay I guess I close off now, so talk to you all soon.

September 19, 2017

On the injury list

I am on the injury reserve list still, I fell in the bathtub last week.
I did not break any ribs, but I am swollen and bruised and it should
heal in about 3-4 weeks the Dr. said.  Lets just say that bathtub
got a good talking to.

I have opened my new esty shop and is called wait for it
artleekreations    I know how did I ever think that name up.  For those of you who don't know, my last name starts with kre .  I know not really the best name, but honestly try and think up a catchy name.  

Today it snowed people, yes snowed, then it rained so now no snow on the ground.  But its coming, early winter I forecast
snow in October.

Okay got to go making chili for today and have to get it ready

September 14, 2017

thursday update

hey all, what's up with your Thursday?  Today I am meeting a friend for lunch, picking up some prints from the printer for my shop, and doing a little shopping.

The other day I fell in the tub, I know right how could that happen.  Here I was going about my own business, and then "Rub a Dub Dub Lee falls  in the tub.  I was down for the count.  Luckly the hubster was there and didn't have to call the Fire truck  for a rescue (lol).  So I am not bruised on the outside, the inside muscles and ribs are mightly sore, but its a good excuse to get out of doing housework around here for awhile.

The weather has changed from great to the leaves changing on the trees, and it getting colder.  Let me tell you people I keep my flip flops on till the very last moment before my toes freeze off.  I hate to give into winter.

September 11, 2017


The title says it all today is all about me rambling on.  I have been
trying to set up an esty shop.  First decided on a name, which my
friends was not easy.  Second, deciding what to put in the esty shop.  Third:  its all about shipping, I don't know about where
you live, but shipping is not cheap in Canada, so you don't want
to charge to much because then whose gonna want to buy your stuff.  That's really true, because I have gone many times to
buy something, and the shipping is more than the item I was gonna
to buy.  Fourth:  Esty wants to know all your banking information,
I mean all of it.  So I feel uneasy about that, so I decided to set up
another account just for that, which I am going to do tomorrow.  The hubster inquired if I was ever going to use that account, in meaning nobody is going to buy your stuff.  He might be right, after all what are the chances of someone coming across my esty shop right.  Its like a needle in a haystack.  But if you don't try
you don't know.

September 7, 2017

Back to the Nest

I have been away for awhile have you missed me?  I was on a roadtrip with the hubster.  We were away for about 10 days on a relaxing trip to Vancouver.  Seeing the sights, and seeing friends and family we haven't seen in awhile.  Side tripped to the Okanogan and bought fruit on the way home.  Saw lots of beautiful art on Granville Island in Vancouver.  The weather cooperated and was sunny and really warm.  Visited all my haunts from when I lived in Vancouver.  All and all have a great time, now I am home
and ready to go.  Over the summer I have thought about an esty shop and decided to go for it, so we will see what happens there, will keep you posted.