December 11, 2016

Oh the tales of the fruitcake......

Its to cold to go out today big wind chill
I was going to make a fruitcake,
but instead sent the hubster to buy one
My mother always made her fruitcakes early
in the month, then wrapped them up and stored
them in the fridge until it was time to
eat them.  I love fruitcake, but really
its cheaper and less stress just to
buy them.


  1. Beautiful seasonal piece, I love fruit cake too!

  2. What a beautiful piece of art! I love it.

  3. Lovely! I tried making a fruit cake once. Now I buy them from a lady who home-makes them but is so much better at it than I am!

  4. i've never been a fan of fruitcakes. maybe i should give them another try ?? i do love your drawing though :)

  5. Lovely painting! Do you sometimes think about returning blog visits?! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Lovely angel painting.
    So many people don't like fruitcake and make jokes about it but I like it. I've never tried to make one though. My grandma used to make them way ahead of time and she soaked them in rum, I think.

  7. This whole painting is really good, but her eyes are wonderful.

  8. A lovely angel and I would like a slice of fruitcake right now!
    Happy new week!

  9. I enjoy fruitcake, too, but I am the only one in my family that does so I usually do without. Your angel has such a loving heart!

  10. Oh love your angel ~ fruitcake not so much ~ glad you are warm in the house and enjoying ~

    Wishing you peace in your week ~ ^_^

  11. Gorgeous painting Lee...playing catch up!! I don't like fruitcake but used to make it for year for my ex and soak it in booze.. I bet if you put the word out someone would give you one!!All those good European cooks in Alberta I'm sure someone would have extras!!

    Hugs Giggles
